What, do we sound like we're high maintenance or something?
When hostel life has you ready to call it quits, it's time to book a night in a luxury hotel. And thankfully, it doesn't have to cost your entire travel budget. The folks at KAYAK analyzed thousands of travel queries to determine which European cities offer the highest-quality hotels at the lowest prices -- and what they found could change the way you approach Europe travel forever.
For example, they found you could stay at a five-star hotel in Warsaw for about ONE FOURTH the price of the average five-star room in London (we're talking $134 vs. $513, according to KAYAK estimates).*
Check out KAYAK's top European cities for cheap five-star accommodations (which also happen to be ridiculously beautiful, and some of our favorites).
*Prices listed were the average KAYAK prices for five-star rooms as of August 2014.
1. Warsaw, Poland
Average price of five-star room: $134 per night
2. Thessaloniki, Greece
Average price of five-star room: $139 per night
3. Bucharest, Romania
Average price of five-star room: $156 per night
4. Athens, Greece
Average price of five-star room: $166 per night
5. Lisbon, Portugal
Average price of five-star room: $180 per night
6. Budapest, Hungary
Average price of five-star room: $182 per night
7. Brussels, Belgium
Average price of five-star room: $195 per night
8. Prague, Czech Republic
Average price of five-star room: $220 per night
9. Berlin, Germany
Average price of five-star room: $231 per night
10. Madrid, Spain
Average price of five-star room: $246 per night
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/18/cheap-hotels-europe_n_6350062.html?utm_hp_ref=travel&ir=Travel and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
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