Tuesday, 23 December 2014

A Look At Europe's 7 Largest Christmas Markets

It's no secret that come holiday time, Christmas markets are one of the most festive and most beautiful reasons to celebrate the season. Sipping hot cocoa and looking for unique gifts are fun at any kind of Christmas market, but there's something special about certain European towns -- like Prague or Strasbourg -- that just makes it seem like they were made for spreading holiday cheer.

From Cologne's market where you can try original mulled wine to Copenhagan's carnival of a Christmas market, our friends at Wimdu have located the biggest and brightest seven Christmas markets in Europe.

And even though Christmas is next week, some of these markets are open until January 4, leaving you just enough time to ask Santa for an airplane ticket.


Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/19/christmas-market_n_6354528.html?utm_hp_ref=travel&ir=Travel and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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